The Aquilina Family | Sydney Family Photographer

I had Katherine contact me with the vision of a family photo session that was more candid and free than the traditional portrait. Her family was changing and she fell in love with idea of capturing her family in a way that showed their life as it is today. Chris and Katheirne's third child just came to this world and everyone is adjusting to the new dynamic. It was a pleasure meeting them all and I loved getting to know them and capturing a snippet into their life. The morning buzz of Katherine cooking the kids pancakes on a Sunday morning, interrupted with newborn cries in between batches. The family lounge around playing games and watching movies together until they move on to chores and games outside where the kids frequently play around the cubby. Chris has his workshop where he usually seeks some peace to get on with his to do list unless the kids follow along and play around with his tools and equipment in the shed. 

You can take a look into their session by viewing the slideshow below: for the best viewing experience, watch on your desktop.


Here are a few highlights..