2017.. what a year. A true year of growth and personal reflection. A time for letting go of labels and just learning to do my own thing. To learn and keep going. Breaking the confining boundaries of rules or ideals of what should be in both my career and family life. For the past few years I have been photographing my own family. Not really understanding why. Just following my heart and seeing. Photographing as I see and knowing that the images I created were filling my heart.
My approach to photography has become a little different to the usual family photographer. And I couldn't be more prouder of myself for that. There is no definition or genre that can really define what I do. I am just being me. However I have learned that my yearning for building strong healthy relationships and emotional well being in my children has been a huge drive in the way I see and photograph the world.
I realised I am helping to build and create my little people's identity through stories and experiences that we share together. How does a child know they are loved? There are so many ways to show someone you love them, there is literally no limitations to this. And this is my revelation. I am obsessed with capturing the moments that paint a picture of who they are. The timeline of events that make up the building blocks to who they will become. What ever that may be. or if they ever lose their way. They will have these to look to.
Like positive affirmations enabling children to relive over and over again of a glorified childhood that screams of I am. I am loved. I am fun. I am brave. I'm adventurous. I belong. I am, I am I am.
So it has been a wonderful journey to discover how to do this for other families. To help empower parents by creating a space for connection and experiences. Creating a beautiful vision of a child's self worth.
So here it is, some of my time I shared with other families and some of the most precious moments with my own.